Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Blog Divided and Bloggal Suicide

Are you addicted to blogging? Does it seem sometimes that the purpose of your life is to experience things so that you can blog about them? Or, when you're reading something (a book or the Bible)... does it start out innocent -- but then become a research project for your next blog post? How often do you check your blog stats? Every 15 minutes?

This is a shout-out to my buddy Steve, who committed bloggal suicide today. He was hooked, and decided to kill his blog. Cold turkey. My other buddy, Mike, blogged on a similar issue today (just in a more existential way). This is also why my wordpress blog is dead. Some folks out there seem to have a full time job as bloggers.

Are you suffering from a blogging addiction?? What are you going to do about it? Leave your confessions here.

Also, ever since killing my wordpress "Bible" blog, this blog has become more comprehensive to all the things I'm interested in (mainly music, theology, programming, and Linux). However, I think that's made this blog cluttered and confusing. I think when folks come here, they're just looking for one of those (and the others become annoying). Plus, I can't change the URL to

So, tell me (both of you who read): Should I split up this blog, or keep going like this?

1 comment:

Wendie Beddingfield said...

What do YOU want to write about?

The blog's probably mostly for you, but if someone else reads it and gets something out of it, more power to ya. Work on expressing yourself and if anyone is interested and gives you feedback, you get a little more out of it.

You're wonderful in my book--write about whatever.
