Sunday, March 9, 2008

Feeling Like a Dweeb

I'm odd and I don't fit in. That's one reason why I like music. Everyone else wants to dance and sing and party, and I want to play my guitar while they dance and sing and party. It works out. Bonus points if you look cool doing it.

Today I had to play the shaker.

There's not a lot to the shaker. You stand there and shake it rhythmically. OK. Actually it's the hardest instrument (besides French Horn) that I've ever played. Shaking it seamlessly is harder than it looks. Little glitches in your motion can be heard loud and clear. Plus, the sand has a slight delay to the motion, so you have to shake it a little ahead of the beat.

So, here I am... a little more than a tad over-weight... I'm standing in the middle of the stage right behind the singer and shaking my shaker. I closed my eyes so that I could concentrate, so that it might look like I'm worshipping, and so that nobody would think I was looking at the singer's butt. My wife said I looked like a dweeb.


When we go to watch a music performance... we really hope that they dig what they do. But when it comes down to it... we really don't care what they do or don't dig. We want them to play their music in a way that will draw us in to what they are doing. That means that we sometimes have to practice looking rockish. (I am tragically un-cool, so that's always been hard for me.)

But when I watch a band that does it... it really makes the performance come alive. Even a worship band.

Is it fake? Yes and no. On some level, we're like actors. We're portraying the song.

So... do you have to practice looking cool? How do you go about it?


Valarie Lea said...

Yep, the cool thing it just comes natural for me.

Ok so you know that is so not true. I am sure you look just fine up there. As long as it from your heart and for God its all good. But if you feel uncool with where your standing, find somewhere else to stand. See there problem solved!

Steve said...

Ha ha! I thought you looked natural and comfortable playing the skaker! I thought it was cool to see you over there.

Anonymous said...

dude, I think it's all about attitude. People want to watch musicians they believe, who look and play like they mean it. This comes out in different ways. For some people it means jumping off of amps, for others it means closing their eyes and singing in faint falseto, either way...they're owning it.
I think you owned that shaker man, don't sell yourself short.


gabriel said...

Thanks for the encouragement, guys!